C r e a t i v e C o m e t

OGSM @ Creative Comet

Nowadays, video has become a popular tool to maintain a connection with your target audiences, heightening the significance of online visibility. Unfortunately, you are not the only one who has had this idea. However, the influx of videos often results in a challenge: creating impactful content that informs, engages, and converts viewers while maintaining brand integrity. The key lies in a focused approach.

I believe that you can get more out of your marketing activities by doing less. Sounds crazy right? Key in this is focus. In order to create focus, you must have a clear idea of where you want to go, make a concrete plan to achieve this and then implement it and regularly refine it.

This way of thinking has been around since the mid-20th century and was officially introduced by Peter Drucker and called Management by Objectives. The essence of Management by Objectives is that business goals are devised collaboratively, fostering motivation and empowerment across the organization.

The easiest model to apply this is the OGSM-methodology and is the perfect combination of quantitative and qualitative objectives. OGSM is an acronym for Objective, Goals, Strategy and Measures. The Objective sets a qualitative direction, serving as the inspirational goal. Quantitative Goals or key performance indicators (KPIs) are then established to support the Objective. Strategies, the specific choices crucial for Objective attainment, act as interlocking building blocks. Measures involve quantitative assessments to monitor Strategy progress, accompanied by actionable steps with clear deadlines and owners. This method ensures a strategic, focused, and dynamic approach to marketing activities.

I believe that you can get more out of your marketing activities by doing less
- Mees Ruijgrok

PDCA Cycle

A strict PDCA cycle (Plan, Do, Check & Act) ultimately ensures that progress is guaranteed and the necessary improvements can be made to the strategic OGSM plan. Unfortunately, it has been shown more than once that the Murphy's law does contain some form of truth.

Would you like to know more about OGSM and/or video production and how it can help your organization or business, click on the contact button below and we would love to come over for a chat!

Visit OGSM.com  for more information!

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Mees Ruijgrok

Co-Founder of OGSM.com